
Collection of Private Information

Bread of Life Christian Church (refers to BLCC) declares the following private policy. BLCC shall keep any collected confidential and personal information. Those include your name (first, last name), alias names, email, address, phone number, birthday, photos and any medical information.

Use of Private Information

Your private information is solely used for the purpose of BLCC related events, gatherings, schools, and groups. BLCC does not share your private information with any third parties without your explicit consent, or under extreme circumstances. Any private information is stored securely if you are willing to provide your personal information to us.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device to provide better user experiences. Cookies cannot harm your computer or read files from your computers, but recognize users and remember important information while using BLCC websites.

Your web browsers are enabled to receive, or reject cookies from any website. Some of web pages provided by BLCC may not function properly when cookies are disabled on browsers.

Share of Your Information

BLCC takes personal privacy protection as one of our highest priorities. Your information is and will not be released without your explicit permission, whether oral or in writing. BLCC will only disclose your personal information:
if required to do so by law; or in good faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a legal process; or when in urgent circumstances to protect personal safety, the public and to protect the rights or property of BLCC.

Use Services of Third Parties

BLCC purchases and uses services from third parties. BLCC will not be responsible for any practices from such services. Please seek for your own advices and learn from the privacy policy from our third parties.

Control of Your Private Information

You may opt out from any of future contacts from us, please contact us at +1(626)912-5838 or info@blccla.org.

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